How to take care of hair?

hair and care

Hair plays a very important role in the life of every human being. Everyone wants thick black hair. How many of us do nothing to thicken our hair and not fall out. Unhealthy eating habits are behind hair loss or thickening, and we lose valuable hair prematurely due to some mistakes of our own. If you want to keep your head full of hair, you can stop hair loss by taking extra precautions. How to thicken hair by stopping hair loss and restore the beauty of hair is discussed in detail: -


How to stop hair loss?

Some of our bad habits and unhealthy eating habits can also cause hair loss. So first you have to find out the exact cause of hair loss and solve it. Here are some ways to stop hair loss. Such as:

1. Adequate amount of protein rich food should be eaten.

2. Foods rich in vitamins, minerals, iron and zinc should be included in the diet.

3. Sleep at least 8 hours every day.

4. Hair care should be taken at least once a week. For this, aloe vera, henna leaf pack, natural oil can be made and massaged on the head.

5. Drink enough water.

6. Must be stress free.

7. Use a mild shampoo at least once a week.

If you keep an eye on the above, hair loss will be reduced a lot easily.



hair oil

Oil to stop hair fall:

The hair oil is very effective in strengthening the hair from the roots and restoring the health of the hair. Oil works like a blessing to reduce hair loss. If you want, you can use the following oils along with healthy eating habits to reduce hair loss.

Black cumin oil

Coconut oil

Olive oil

Mustard oil

Almond oil

All of the oils mentioned above are very effective in reducing hair loss. So by using these oils as a rule, you can easily stop hair loss.





Ways to grow hair

When hair becomes too thin to fall out, many people resort to different methods to thicken the hair. There are some natural ingredients that you can easily use Dexe Shampoo to thicken strong hair. Such as:


Vitamin E cap

Vitamin E Cap is a very effective ingredient in reducing hair loss and regrowing new hair. If you want, you can take Vitamin E Cap directly and use it as an oil to grow new hair. Regular massage of the bald area using coconut oil with Vitamin E Cap will increase blood circulation and create the possibility of new hair growth.

Onion juice and castor oil

Onion juice and castor oil are great regulators for thickening thin hair and regrowing new hair. The various ingredients in castor oil help to get rid of all the hair problems. The large amount of sulfur in onions helps new hair to grow. Take two tablespoons of castor oil and an onion blade and mix well in a bowl. Then you have to massage your hair nicely for 15 to 20 minutes. This way you can do it twice a week. This pack is very effective in reducing hair fall and growing new hair.

Pack of aloe vera, lemon and honey

Almost everyone knows about the use of aloe vera in hair care. Aloe vera is a great hair care agent. This pack of aloe vera lemon and honey is effective in reducing hair fall and regrowing new hair. First extract the juice with an aloe vera leaf and put it in a container with two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Then you have to mix them nicely and massage your head for 15 to 20 minutes. You can use this pack twice a week.


hair treatment

Homemade way to make hair silky:

You can easily keep your hair silky by adopting some natural and homely ways. Here are some home remedies to keep hair silky: -

Use of aloe vera and lemon

These two elements play an important role in keeping hair silky. Regular use of aloe vera and lemon juice helps to make your hair silky. First take a leaf of aloe vera and squeeze the juice out of it and put it in a container then mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with it. Once mixed, apply it on the hair and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

Pack of ripe bananas and honey

As banana strengthens the hair, it also plays an important role in silky hair. And when it is made by mixing honey with banana, its effectiveness increases several times.

For this you have to blend a ripe banana and remix it with two teaspoons of honey. Then the pack should be applied to the hair well. In this way you can leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. You can use this pack twice a week to make your hair silky.

Pack of eggs made of honey and lemon

Eggs are a very effective ingredient to prevent hair loss and thicken hair. Vitamin C in lemon helps to moisturize the hair. So you can make egg honey and lemon pack and use it to make hair silky.

You can use these three packs to make your hair silky. These three packs are very effective for making hair silky and beautiful.

This article has been posted on: March 05, 2022
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